Sitemap - 2022 - The Scando Review

Frederick Sanger: The Father of Genomics

Strategies to promote student development and productive course climate

Strategies to promote student development and productive course climate

Compass: The Invention that Revolutionised Navigation

Strategies to promote student development and productive course climate

Diane Nash: Non-violent warrior against racial segregation

Srinivasa Ramanujan: An Unparalleled Mathematical Genius

Grace Hopper: The Master Brain that Tamed the Computers

How tone, interactions and course content influence learning

Lydia Becker: Leading trailblazer in Britain’s women’s suffrage movement

Steam Engine: The Invention that Steered the Industrial Revolution

Influence of stereotypes on learning and performance

Ivan Pavlov: A Dedicated Researcher Who Developed the Theory of Conditioned Reflux

Course climate and its impact on learning

Simone Veil: Holocaust survivor who rose to become an icon of French politics

Sigmund Freud: The Father of Psychoanalysis

Ella Baker: Activist who excelled at grassroots organising of civil rights campaigns

George Orwell : The man who wrote Animal Farm

Stages in the development of students’ social identity

Alice Paul: America’s leading activist of women’s suffrage

Importance of student development and course climate in student learning

Wheels: One Invention That 'Moved' the Human History

Importance of student development and course climate in student learning

Max Planck: The Man Who Rewrote Classical Physics

Importance of student development and course climate in student learning

Sojourner Truth: America’s slave-turned-abolitionist

Ernest Shackleton: The Hero of Antarctic Explorations

Strategies to ensure targeted feedback

Robert Goddard: The Father of Modern Rocket

Werner Heisenberg: One of the key pioneers of the theory of quantum mechanics

Strategies to ensure goal-oriented practice

Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind the Most Prestigious International Award

How effective feedback boosts the learning process

World Wide Web: The Invention That Connected Humans

Angela Davis: Advocate of racial and gender equality

Morphine: Prominent painkiller and first-ever modern drug

Three main conditions in which practices foster learning and performance

Rosalind Franklin: The Real Unsung Discoverer of the DNA Model

James Watson: Co-discoverer of DNA’s double helix

How practice and feedback influence learning

Linus Pauling: Only person to win two unshared Nobel Prizes

Rosa Parks: Activist who sparked the Montgomery bus boycott

Principal strategies to establish expectancies

Francis Crick: The Man Behind the DNA Model

Principal strategies to establish values

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Humanity's Magna Carta

Margaret Sanger: Founder of the birth control movement in the US

Enrico Fermi: Creator of the first nuclear reactor

How expectancies impact motivation

Cryptocurrency: The revolutionary virtual currency of 21st century

How values affect motivation

Marie Stopes: England's leading campaigner for birth control

Albert Sabin: The man who created the oral polio vaccine

Beginning of the Robotic Era: History of AI

Factors that motivate students to learn

Josephine Butler: Victorian era’s brave champion of women’s rights

Jonas Salk: Creator of the first successful polio vaccine

How to enhance knowledge organisation of students

X-Ray: The Accidental Discovery That Revolutionised Medical Science

Emily Davies: Britain’s pioneering activist for women’s university education

Editing the Codes of Lives: The History of Gene Editing

Nature of connections in experts’ and novices’ knowledge organisations

Robert Oppenheimer: ‘Father of the atomic bomb’

How knowledge organisations of experts and novices differ

Barbara Smith: England’s leading campaigner for women’s education and job rights

Turning the Clock: The Story of Time Travel

"A box of moving images": The invention that amused the world

Niels Bohr: The Man behind the Bohr Model

Signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Knowledge organisation and its effects on learning

Industrial revolution

Ruth First: Relentless fighter against South African apartheid

Widen Your Dreams to Space via Space Tourism

Anger series

How prior knowledge impacts learning

Industrial revolution

Gender stereotyping and Schools

Ernest Rutherford: ‘Father of Nuclear Physics’

Long-term coping strategies

How prior knowledge impacts learning

The Invention That Helps “Navigate" the World

Annie Silinga: Anti-pass and anti-apartheid warrior

What is Climate Change?

Tardive Dyskinesia

How prior knowledge impacts learning

Cold War: Decades-long power struggle between two superpowers

Adelaide Smith Casely Hayford: Cultural nationalist and Feminist activist in Sierra Leone

World’s top space agencies

Body dysmorphic disorder

How prior knowledge impacts learning

The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall

Amina Cachalia: South Africa’s anti-apartheid stalwart

Aditya L1: India’s first solar mission

Perinatal and Postnatal Depression

How to assess education for well-being

Cold War: Decades-long power struggle between two superpowers

Susan Brownwell Anthony: Pioneering crusader for women’s suffrage

Black Holes: Where even light can’t get out

Eating Disorders

Learning through the process

Pearl Harbor: ‘Day of Infamy’ for the US

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: A life dedicated to gender and social justice

The physics of sound and sound waves

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Understanding the social and natural worlds

1911: The Revolution That Created a Republic

Alice Stone Blackwell: A life devoted to gender and social justice

AI: A part of our everyday, more and more

Schizoaffective disorder

Education for Well-Being - Part 2

The Renaissance: Europe after the Middle Ages

Alice Walker: Author of the powerful novel The Colour Purple

Mysteries of space that continue to baffle us

Sleep Disorder

Education for well-being

Man on the Moon: One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind

Shirley Chisholm, first Black woman elected to US Congress

Pi: Earth-sized planet circling its star in 3.14 days

Causes of anger and how to manage outbursts

Why critical thinking matters

Cloning: Making genetically identical copies of living things

Gloria Steinem: Multifaceted advocate of women’s rights

Light, the source of everything we see

Sexual dysfunction

Multi-cultural education in India

The Renaissance: Period of Europe’s transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity

Betty Friedan, author of landmark feminist book The Feminine Mystique

Stephen Hawking: Superhero in Life and Science

Abnormal Sexuality

Multi-cultural education in India

Titanic: Tragedy that launched numerous movies, documentaries and studies

Mary McLeod Bethune: Black educator, activist and politician par excellence

Nikola Tesla and the ‘War of Currents’


Post-apartheid education in South Africa

Accidents and disasters in Space Travel

How the Earth evolved into a habitable planet

Somatoform disorders

The promise of digital technology and schools

‘Nothing’ that became everything: The history of zero

Toni Morrison: Towering storyteller of Black experience

The Curie Family: Lives Dedicated to Science

What is anger?

Abraham Maslow: A life devoted to maximising human potential

Boston Tea Party: Historic Protest by American Colonists

Maya Angelou: Painfully honest autobiographer

Thomas Alva Edison: The “stupid” boy who invented the bulb

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Positive Psychology in Education

United Nations: United for Peace

Emmeline Pankhurst: Writing ‘her’story through the Suffragette Movement

Thermodynamics Part 2 – Joule, Watt and the First Law


Educational Neuroscience: Benefits, challenges and myths

Russia: From Monarchy to Communism

Simone de Beauvoir: Most influential feminist of 20th century

The Thalidomide Tragedy and Scientific Discoveries


Mindfulness in Learning

The Communist Manifesto

Thermodynamics and our Everyday

Suez Canal: World’s Maritime Artery

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Intersectional Feminism

History wafting from a teacup

Borderline Personality Disorder

The ‘killer’ story behind banana

Black Death: The Plague that shook Europe

The Poor Potato and Industrial Revolution

Geniuses Who Revolutionised Astronomy– Part 2

Saint-Simonianism and Feminism in the Early 19th Century

Bipolar disorder: A mental condition marked by severe mood swings

Geniuses Who Revolutionised Astronomy– Part 1

Anxiety Disorders

Panic Attack: Symptoms and Clinical Features

Nature or Nurture? A Key Debate in Psychology

Who discovered America? (Not Christopher Columbus)

Gutenberg and the History of Printing

Feminism during the revolutions

Understanding human behaviour better using levels of analysis

The magical, sonic world of radio

The Enlightenment Period and Feminism

Evolutionary psychology: How evolution shaped human behaviour

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

Concrete has a solid history

Newton and his Contribution to Science

Blue Stockings Society: ‘Amazons of Pen’

Newton and his Contribution to Science

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth: The Code of Hammurabi

Early Feminism in Sweden

Isaac Newton, Henry Cavendish and Universal Gravity

Psychological Perspectives –The Psychobiological Perspective

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

The Great Depression

Mary Astell and The Roots of Feminism

Isaac Newton, Apple, and Universal Gravity

Psychological Perspectives: The Cognitive Revolution

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

Discovery and development of ‘miracle drug’ penicillin

How to help women and women entrepreneurs overcome Covid crisis

What is scientific method?

Psychological Perspectives – From Freud to Maslow

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

Chernobyl: A permanent reminder to the human race

African Model of Social Growth and Gender Equality

What is energy?

Psychological Perspectives

Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

The Metal Ball that kick-started the history of man’s involvement with Space

Equality, fraternity, entrepreneurship: Africa’s future is in the hands of women

The Big-Bang Theory: How the universe came to be


Robo-teachers? Fundamentals of AI for educators

History and Historical Literacy

Global Development and Gender Literacy

The Challenge and Promise of Scientific Literacy

What is psychological literacy?

Education, Technology, and Educational Technology